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Online FITRAH BREATHING Meeting. People from Azahara International. Mondays: 9pm, Spain time, 7pm UTC

Actualizado: 18 may 2024


Thank you to each of the individuals for the extraordinary effort they put in during those days, an effort that should bear fruit and not be forgotten.

It is important, as I mentioned before, to continue daily practice of the techniques taught in the workshop, especially during the following 7 days, in order to solidify the natural way of breathing.

We still have the learning very fresh, feeling and recognizing the internal, interoceptive sensations provided by a primary, authentic, pure, true, haqq, fitrah respiratory biodynamics. This is why I consider it advisable, according to my teaching habit, to continue, in this case online, the learning to achieve better breathing, physical health, psycho-emotional harmony, and, of course, an opening of the heart, qalb.

Meeting Objectives:

  • The objectives of the meeting include practices of biodynamic breathing (Fitrah Breathing) that last approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. Additionally, there is a 15-minute segment allocated for questions and consultations regarding the physical and psycho-emotional respiratory needs of each participant. These consultations can address issues such as breathing problems, physical tension, sleep difficulties, headaches, among others. The influence of one's life history on the body and breathing is emphasized. The text also underscores the importance of continuing to practice the breathing techniques learned during the 7 days following the workshop to solidify a natural way of breathing.

Date and Time of the Meeting: The online Fitrah Breathing meeting takes place weekly on Mondays at 20:30PM, Spain time, 19:30 GMT.

Perseverance: Monday after Monday, each person will notice the beneficial changes happening within them. Anyway, be free.

  • Duration: The meeting lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.

  • Fee: The fee to participate in the meeting is 100€, for the four Mondays of the month. You can also do individual classes. You can also do individual classes

  • Payment Methods: Various payment options are offered, including Bizum and PayPal. The contact details for PayPal are "" Additionally, banking information for transfers is provided, with the bank name as BBVA and the IBAN account number ES93 0182 0917 0902 0215 7060, under the name of Carlos Velasco Montes.

  • Link: FITRABREATHING | Jitsi Meet. This is the link: If you connect from your PC or laptop, simply click on the link that is sent. If you use your mobile phone to connect, then it is necessary to download the application and click on the link


  • If someone is facing financial difficulties, please feel free to reach out to me privately.

  • Para las personas de habla hispana tengo un taller los miércoles dee 20 a 21.30hr, España.

  • For Spanish-speaking, I have a workshop on Wednesdays from 20 a 21.30hrs.

  • It can also be an individual online consultation with a cost of 80€, Lasting one hour.

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